Fire and Smoke

These scripts may be used to create a paired fireplace and chimney smoke.  There is one script to be placed in the chimney prim and then one of the other four scripts can be placed in your fireplace prims.

Important: The smoke prim has to be linked to the fireplace prim.

Scripts in this package:

  • Standalone Fire – the basic “touch on/off” fire script.
  • Standalone Fire (Large) – the basic “touch on/off” fire script with a larger flame.
  • Standalone Fire (with dialog) – on touch presents a dialog to choose a small, medium or larger fire.
  • Standalone Fire (Large with dialog) – on touch presents a dialog to choose small, medium or large fire, but the flames are all larger than the privious script.
  • Standalone Fire Smoke – the script (to be linked to one of the above scripts) that will start the smoke when the fire is turned on.

There are two versions of this package – a copy only version for personal use and a copy/trans version for use by builders in their own creations.


Buy them both from the marketplace here:

Or buy in-world.

If you purchase the personal version and then subsequently purchase the builders version, send me a notecard and I’ll refund the price of the personal one.  There are other possible purchase options for builders too.


~ by kimmpaulino on November 2, 2011.

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